Welcome to MCOCHUB, your go-to source for everything Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC)! Our website provides a comprehensive database of champions, including their Class, Gender, Release Year, abilities, immunities, synergies, and tags. In this blog, we’ll explore the different features available on our website, including Filter Champions Class, Gender, Release Year, Abilities, Abilities By Synergy, Immunities, Immunities By Synergy, Tags, and Synergies. We’ll also discuss the separate menus for Abilities, Immunities, Tags, and Synergies.

Champions By Class:

Our website has a filter for Champion Class, which allows you to search for champions based on their class. For example, if you need a champion with the Cosmic class, you can select the Cosmic filter and find all champions that belong to this class. This filter can be incredibly helpful when building a team for specific game modes or battles that require a specific class of champion.

Champions By Gender:

The Gender filter on our website allows you to search for champions based on their gender. For example, if you’re looking for a female champion, you can select the Female filter and find all female champions. This filter can be helpful when you’re looking to build a diverse team of champions.

Champions By Release Year:

The Release Year filter on our website allows you to search for champions based on the year they were released. For example, if you’re looking for a champion that was released in 2022, you can select the 2022 filter and find all champions released in that year. This filter can be helpful when you’re looking for the newest champions in the game.

Champion By Tag:

Our website also has a filter for champion Tags, which allows you to search for champions based on their tags, such as their class, origin, or affiliation. For example, if you need a champion with the Avengers tag, you can select the Avengers tag and find all champions that have this tag. This filter can be helpful when building a team for specific game modes that require a specific tag.

Champion By Ability (Ability Acquired By Synergy Included):

Our website has a filter for champion Abilities, which allows you to search for champions based on specific Abilities. For example, if you need a champion with the ability to inflict Bleed, you can select the Bleed filter and find all champions that have this Ability. This filter can be incredibly helpful when building a team for specific game modes or battles.

Champion By Immunity (Immunity Acquired By Synergy Included):

Our website has a filter for champions that are immune to specific effects. For example, if you are facing a champion that inflicts Poison, you can select the Poison Immunity filter and find all champions that are immune to this effect. This menu can be crucial when facing certain opponents, especially in Alliance War or other high-stakes battles.



The Abilities menu on our website allows you to view all the Abilities available in MCoC, You can select the champion to see all abilities of the champion. Each champion in MCoC has a unique set of abilities that can be essential in battles. For example, some champions may have the Ability to inflict Bleed, Stun, or Poison on their opponents. This menu allows you to find champions based on these Abilities, making it easier to build a team for specific battles.


The Immunities menu on our website allows you to view all the Immunities available in MCoC, You can view which champions are immune to specific debuffs or effects. For example, some champions may be immune to Bleed, Poison, or Stun effects. This menu can be incredibly helpful when facing opponents that rely heavily on debuffs to damage your champions. By filtering champions based on their Immunities, you can build a team that is better suited to handle these challenges.


The Tags menu on our website allows you to view all the Tags available in MCoC, You can search for Tags that have specific champions. For example, if you’re looking for a champion with the Spider-Verse Heroes Tag, you can select the Spider-Verse Heroes Tag and find all champions that have this Tag. This menu can be helpful when building a team based on specific Tags.


The Synergies menu on our website allows you to view all the Synergies available in MCoC, You can search for champions that have specific synergies with other champions. Synergies are a way to enhance your team’s Abilities and Immunities by pairing champions with complementary skills. For example, some champions may have a synergy that increases their attack power when paired with another champion. By filtering champions based on their synergies, you can build a team that is more powerful and well-rounded.

In conclusion, our website offers a range of menus to help you filter and search for champions based on their abilities, immunities, tags, and synergies. These menus can be incredibly helpful when building a team for specific game modes or battles. We hope that our website and these menus can help you achieve success in MCoC and enjoy this fantastic game to the fullest! Visit MCOCHUB Now.